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Tamil School App தமிழ்ப்பள்ளிச் செயலி

2024/25 வகுப்புகள்
ஆரம்பநிலை ( Elementary) In person at Knoxdale Public School, Nepean.
Register / பதிவு செய்க
2024/25 உயர்நிலை வகுப்பு (Credit course) Online
OCDSB students, register through Guidance Counsellors.
Others, Register - பதிவு செய்க

தமிழுக்குப் பெருமை செய்த எண்ணிறந்தவர்களிற் சிலரின் விம்பங்கள்

Greetings, vanakkam.

For the Tamil students living in the Ottawa region, the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board is conducting Tamil classes for primary and junior students on Saturdays from 9:15 am to 11:45 am. Students aged between 4 and 14 are eligible to study in the classes. The students get report cards and these report cards are sent by the board to the students’ regular schools for record keeping.

Tamil language and culture are taught in Tamil medium to the students.

A bit of a history

In 1989 the Canada Tamil Sangam (Tamil Association) and the Tamil community of the Ottawa region from different countries such as Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius, and South Africa as a whole felt the need to teach children the Tamil Language. By learning the Tamil Language children will develop important communications as well as an appreciation for the Tamil culture. With this objective the Ottawa-Carleton Tamil School was started in 1989 under the Ministry of Education's Heritage Language Program.Now, it is known as International Language Program of the Ottawa Carleton District School Board. The school had 18 students in its inaugural year. In the beginning, the classes were held at Bell High School, and all of the instructors were volunteers.

Saturday Classes

Saturday classes are arranged during regular school year, from September to June, Saturday from 9:15 am to 11:45 am except for the long week-end Saturdays. Place:
Knoxdale public school, 168 Greenbank road Ottawa (Nepean), Ontario K2H 5V2 (Map)

During the class days on Saturdays, you could contact us at (613) 828-0010

Summer Classes

Summer classes are arranged in the months of July - August every year. The classes are from 9:30 am to 12:00 noon every day except for week-ends.
Usually, the place Bayshore Public School, but will be announced in June.

Credit Course

For high school/adult students, Tamil Credit Program, is conducted every Tuesday from 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm at The Adult High School, 300 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 7N4. (Map)

For more information, please, e-mail us by clicking here